Human Regulation

By: Uplifting Mindfulness

Human Regulation Explained

There is a lot involved within the human species

We are spiritual beings living a human experience in a human body.

The human body consists of your mind and body.

Your mind holds your subconscious mind and conscious mind.

As well as your ego.

Your spiritual essence is referred to your soul.

Becoming aware of this brings an understanding of the mind body soul connection.

Your body is the temporary vehicle that holds your soul for this life.

Your bodies basic needs include: nutrition, movement, and breath

Your body also holds your mind and your mind holds the voice inside your head aka ego.

Your soul is the sensation within that connects you with your intuition.

Your soul is leading you back home.

Your mind is either fighting back or letting go.

Your mind is made up of belief systems.

Your belief systems determine your outlook on life.

It determines the beliefs you have about yourself and the world.

Beliefs about others.

Your belief systems create your reality.

And here is the crazy part.

Your consciousness holds 2 parts to it.

1.) conscious mind

2.) subconscious mind

Your conscious mind is 5% of your overall thoughts

Your subconscious mind is 95% of your overall thoughts

And your subconscious mind holds all of your belief systems

Your belief systems were created when you were the age of 1-7

So your beliefs about yourself and the world are beliefs you cultivated when you were a child.

That means you are operating with child like beliefs as an adult.